Random thoughts on this year in motorcycles

Well, this year is a great improvement on last year as far as my personal motorcycling goes, and there have been some interesting developments in the wider motorcycle world too. Here are a few random thoughts;

Big Trip - its really important (for me at least) to do at least one Big Trip a year. When I don't do such a thing the biking year definately has a "flat" feeling to it. This years trip was to Italy (as previously detailed in the blog) and was the trip of a lifetime - so far. I still think about the places we went and the things we did, months later. New foods, new roads, new countries, and new people. I learned that the Italian drivers are not mad, but they are pretty fast. That everyone rides a scooter. That the Guzzi brand is alive and well and a big deal in Mandello. That Switzerland costs a bomb. And that I really want to go back to lots of these places.

British driving - I sort of doubted myself, but now having ridden overseas again, yes British drivers are terrible. And its not just those driving BMWs/Audis/Mercs. No motorway discipline, unpredictable, lane hogs. Maniacs doing 100 in fog and heavy rain, texting......The A38 is the epitome of this.

Moto Guzzi - its no secret I absolutely love my bike. The humble Breva750 from 2004 is still going strong, even if she looks a bit tatty. The factory is on extra shifts to build V85TTs and thats great news - bodes well for the future. What WAS dissapointing was no V85 road bike at EICMA. You could hear the exasperation from the Guzzi faithful all over the world. I cant ride a TT - I'm a shortarse and though I think its a fine looking bike I'd prefer a road bike, and if it has to be a V7ish type thing then so be it, but I would prefer a modern looking machine. Not an insectoid, but something tasteful. Oh well, maybe next year. 

Litre sport bikes - these don't live in the same world as I do. I'm sort of glad they are there and I sort of don't give a damn about them.

WSB - J Rea wins again...yay.....naaah. I like variety from time to time. Variety is the spice of life, or the life of spice if you live in an aftershave factory. I don't expect him to ride slower. Maybe the new Blade will spice it up. Maybe Dave Bautista...oh no he's buggered off!!!

GPs - Marquez wins again ho hum. Great rider and all that, but I want him pushed hard every race. Rossi is shot - time to ride into the sunset. The greatest of the MotoGP era - so far. Moto 2 the Triumphs sound great and the racing is great. Moto 3 is my favourite class - superlative racing. Oh yeah and it mostly being pay for view has not helped at all.

Club racing - new years resolution is to go and see some again - its great stuff.

The TT - its like those who climb Everest  - mixed feelings. They want to do it let them do it, but Johnny Mac please stop now. Change the classes?

The Dakar - will not be following it as its in Saudi Arabia. End of.

Podcasts - I highly recommend; Adventure Rider Radio, This Motorcycle Life, and Front End Chatter where MFG and SH always have something interesting to say, and usually make me laugh too.

Youtube - Itchyboots; love her optimism and lone travel ethos. Yeah she doesn't wild camp often, and what of it? Nobody defines your adventure for you. Pavlin (Motorcycle Adventure) is straightforwards good advice.

The Royal Enfields are coming - I love to see thier success, the Himalayans and the the 650s. People in the wider world might be coming to realise you don't need 150hp+ to have fun, tour, commute, have an adventure. I'd love to give a Himalayan a go.  

Nothing to Prove - Facebook is full of dickheads saying if you dont ride all year every day both ways uphill in a blizzard on a turbo Hayabusa  / GS / Wing you're not a real motorcyclist. Ignore them. If you ride you ride. I certainly no longer go for a pleasure ride if the roads are icy or its completely pissing down - why should I? Whats it to anyone else but me? I do ride all year round but I pick nd chose my conditions. A cold clear day in the depths of winter can be GREAT.



  1. Thanks Pete - now I wonder what I will say about the rolling shit filled garbage truck fire that is 2020????


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