Internal Combustion Rules OK!

It seems that with every edition of my favourite motorcycle magazines, and pages, and even podcasts, more and more and more electric motorcycles are featuring. 20 years ago they were expensive toys, in a few years they may be the perfect 20 mile commuter bikes. Longer distances and touring may be further in the future, and physics and chemistry will impose thier own limitations. There is only so much energy that can be packed into a battery (but its getting better), and at present good old petrol packs so much punch and we know it so well, its still the best for me. But for 2050 when I wont be riding (probably!). I say hydrogen is the key, and this is why.

Hydrogen is not a source of energy, its just a transfer medium. But in fuel cells it can be combined with oxygen to produce electricity with the main by-product being water. How great is that? Well its OK for Judge Dredd and commuters, but its not good enough for me. The whine of an electric motor is not what I was brought up on, I like internal comustion. Suck Squeeze Bang Blow. The noise, the power, the feel of a reciprocating engine. If you ride a bike, pounds to peanuts you turn your head at the sound of a motorcycle that you can even see yet. You probably even smile, especially on a sunny long weekend such as we have just had. So it has to be internal combustion for me. Engines have been made that burn hydrogen, and the main by product again is water. Its not easy, its not even cheap, and the miles per litre (or is it cubic metre?) of gas may leave something to be desired, but it would leave us with motorcycles that essentially replicate the experience of today. The sound the power the vibration will all be there.  And thats a pretty cool experience is it not? From Himalayan to Kawasaki H2R.


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